TeoPaleontología – My Blog https://sobrelavidafeliz.com My WordPress Blog Wed, 26 Apr 2023 22:01:08 +0000 es hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 Científicos del Vaticano reescriben los primeros instantes del Big Bang https://sobrelavidafeliz.com/2023/04/14/cientificos-del-vaticano-reescriben-los-primeros-instantes-del-big-bang/ https://sobrelavidafeliz.com/2023/04/14/cientificos-del-vaticano-reescriben-los-primeros-instantes-del-big-bang/#respond Fri, 14 Apr 2023 19:26:00 +0000 https://cristoniano.com/?p=710 Dos científicos del Observatorio astronómico del Vaticano publicaron este viernes un estudio con una nueva teoría de los primeros instantes del Big Bang que propone una nueva visión sobre el comportamiento de la gravedad.

El estudio, publicado por los sacerdotes italianos Gabriele Gionti y Matteo Galaverni en la revista Physical Review, estudia el momento primigenio del espacio y tiempo partiendo de la base de que los marcos de Pascual Jordan y Albert Einstein «no siempre son matemáticamente equivalentes».

Al principio de los tiempos, se cree que el universo se expandió de forma exponencial a partir de un estado de altísima densidad, el Big Bang, un fenómeno que, según los autores, «solo puede ser explicado suponiendo que las leyes de la gravedad hayan sido mucho más complicadas en aquella fase inicial» respecto a las descritas en la Teoría de la Relatividad General de Einstein (1915).

En el pasado se habían propuesto teorías alternativas de gravedad en las que esa fuerza variaba en el espacio y el tiempo, y una de las más estudiadas y aceptadas es la de Carl Brans y Robert Dicke.

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There May Be A Fast Way To Observe This Never-Before-Seen Quantum Effect https://sobrelavidafeliz.com/2023/04/14/there-may-be-a-fast-way-to-observe-this-never-before-seen-quantum-effect/ https://sobrelavidafeliz.com/2023/04/14/there-may-be-a-fast-way-to-observe-this-never-before-seen-quantum-effect/#respond Fri, 14 Apr 2023 19:21:26 +0000 https://cristoniano.com/?p=707 Quantum theory has predicted many phenomena that are difficult, if not impossible, to observe in practice. One particularly tricky example is the Unruh effect, which would take longer than the age of the universe to reveal itself in straightforward experiments. However, a team of physicists have argued it is theoretically possible to shorten this process to a few hours. They’re now working on ways to actually carry the idea out, hopefully catching a thermal glow that will confirm one part of our understanding of the basic laws of the universe.

The Unruh (or Fulling-Davies-Unruh) effect is thought to cause accelerating objects to be bathed in a “thermal bath” of electromagnetic radiation. If some immense power allowed a spacecraft to rapidly approach light speed, passengers not squashed by the extreme g forces would witness a warm glow around them. As envisaged, it’s a counterpart to Hawking radiation produced by black holes, and observing either would help confirm the other. The problem for experimentalists is the amount of radiation produced under most circumstances is so low as to be effectively undetectable.

However, in Physical Review Letters physicists note you can stimulate the Unruh effect by accelerating your object in the presence of electromagnetic radiation. Although this light would normally induce other effects that would once again make the Unruh radiation undetectable, they claim to have found ways around this.

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